Movie Crosswords
A lot of Crosswords and Word Search for film and TV series addicteds.
clues of the puzzles are movie-related, try to solve them with your knowdledge but don't worry if you are stuck, a help is always free for you.
Play for free 20 Crosswords and 19 Word Search puzzles, and if you like it you can buy a
big fun expansion for very cheap price.
Much care had been taken for designing the
user experience, the app come with a smart interface where keyboard, clue and complete puzzle fit the screen and no scroll is needed.
For tablet users is also available a
landscape mode for play in relax.

- 20 Crossword and 19 Word search puzzles related to movies, if you like you can buy the expansion with 60 new fresh Movie Crosswords and unlimited Word Search.
- Smart interface: keyboard, clue and complete puzzle fit the screen, no scroll is needed.
- 2 ways to select a word, by tapping or swiping.
- Skip over filled square and auto check correctness option.
- Help me button (reveals the word).
- Clear puzzle button.
- Automatic save of unfinished puzzle so you can continue later where you left off.
- Updated FAQ online for your inquiries.
- 6 attractive fonts from which to choose.
- Eraser tool (Clear more squares).
- Responsive to different screen ratios.
- Landscape mode on tablet.
- No playing delay for annoying banner ads.